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ADHD stands for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is commonly diagnosed in children going through neurodevelopmental stages ranging from ages 2 to 12 years. ADHD is primarily linked to problems with attentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Now, you may ask that all children experience that, does that mean all children fall into some spectrum of ADHD? The answer is no. What makes ADHD a form of cognitive disorder is the child’s complacency to adjust into situations. They are unable to act or react accordingly. A child with ADHD experiences severe symptoms listed below:

  • Daydreaming
  • Fidgeting and involuntary movements
  • Not being able to communicate with complete words/sentences
  • Difficulty socializing
  • Very thin attention span

Healthy Dietary Options for Kids with ADHD

Parent involvement is at the heart of managing ADHD symptoms in kids. Apart from parental counseling, it is important to take due regards to your child’s diet. Diet plays an extremely important role in managing ADHD symptoms and aids proper body functioning. This section of the blog builds up on a variety of dietary options deemed essential for kids with ADHD.


Protein rich diets help aiding new cell formation and are the best sources of energy that optimize brain function. Proteins also help in fast healing and recovery. Some of the high protein sources include egg, lean meat, poultry, cheese, nuts and fish.

Iron, Zinc and Magnesium

Iron, zinc and magnesium are components that aid better body functioning. All the following nutrients help in increasing bone density which allows ADHD kids for better and controlled muscle movement. Sources include:

  • Nuts – Almonds, cashew, walnut
  • Seeds – Chia, flax, hemp and sesame seeds
  • Shellfish including oyster, clams and mussels
  • Cruciferous Vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and arugula

Vitamin (A,B,C,D)

Vitamins have multiple forms of physical and cognitive health benefits such as improved attention, better digestive health, higher energy levels. It forms an umbrella over muscle, bone and brain health.

Complex Carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates release into the bloodstream and boost energy rather than spiking up body sugar level. A child is more likely to get hyper active if given direct sources of sweet and sugar such as candy and chocolate.
However, peas, barley, and sweet potatoes are sources of complex carbs that have the same nutritional value but do not affect overall blood sugar levels


It is extremely tricky for parents to incorporate fruits and vegetables in children who are picky eaters – especially when kids are not receptive, adamant to change, or show signs of rebellion such as self injury, tantrums, wailing etc, if asked to do otherwise.
Look for interesting recipes or presentable ways to plate food that children look forward to having food and not take it as a chore.
If your child is developing visible ADHD symptoms and you are considering an option for diagnosis and treatment. Head to Sharaf Diwan at 18220 Tomball Pkwy, Ste 230, Houston, TX 77070 or call us at (832) 604-0005.