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When someone is infected with MRSA, it can be difficult for them to treat the infection by themselves. It is essential that they are aware of the symptoms; and when they see these symptoms, they should seek help as soon as possible. MRSA infections are often found in the nose, lungs, skin and bloodstream, and this article is going to talk about all of that and more!

What is MRSA?

MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, which is a type of bacteria that causes skin infections. It can be resistant to many antibiotics and can be difficult to cure.
MRSA is spread through close contact or contact with contaminated items like clothing, towels, or sheets. MRSA may also spread from one part of the body to another, like from the hands to other parts of the body or from one part of the body to another person.

What are the Symptoms of MRSA?

The most common symptoms are: redness, swelling, pain around the infected area, fever and chills. If you have any of these symptoms it’s important you get medical attention as soon as possible because MRSA can lead to serious complications if left untreated for too long including sepsis and necrotizing fasciitis.

How to Treat MRSA in the First Stage of Infestation?

The first stage of an infection is the most important one. It is a crucial stage where you need to take care of the wound and prevent it from getting worse.

The first stage of MRSA infection is the ideal opportunity to treat the infection because it has not spread from one part of the body to another yet. The best way to treat MRSA in this stage is by using topical treatments such as antibiotic ointments, antiseptic solutions, or antibiotic lotions on the infected area for at least 10 days or until the symptoms disappear. You’ll also be given oral antibiotics to take. These can be prescribed by a doctor and should never be treated with anything a doctor has not approved of first.

If you have waited beyond the first stage and are being treated in the hospital, intravenous antibiotics may be given. Pending the severity of the infection, you may undergo removal of the cells of the infected areas on the body, but this is up to your treating doctor!

Reducing the Risk of Contracting MRSA

Understanding how to prevent getting MRSA in the first place is just as important as knowing how to treat it if you think you have it! Luckily, there are many ways that you can reduce your risk of getting an MRSA infection:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water often
  2. Keep your cuts and scrapes clean
  3. Avoid sharing personal items like towels or razors
  4. Wear gloves when touching wounds or bandages


A person may get a MRSA infection from direct contact with another person who has it. The bacteria can also spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects. Thankfully, you can treat most MRSA infections with antibiotics! Make sure you contact an infectious disease specialist immediately if you think you’ve contracted MRSA or any other disease.