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Have you ever been overcome by a sudden spell of itchiness? But when you go to scratch the itch, you find your skin littered with blotches of red and purple, covering the entire area. This may come off as a surprise. However, most HIV rashes spread just like that, out of the blue. Due to their widespread quality, though, people often wonder where HIV rashes commonly appear and whether or not they’re harmful. To learn more about this phenomenon, make sure to keep on reading this article.

What is an HIV Rash Like?

An HIV rash is merely a symptom of the infection, indicating that the virus has just begun to take root. It shows up in the form of irritated skin, making the area super itchy, red, and purple. At times, you might even experience pain or discomfort.

Typically, the rash blooms in small spots and splotches, which may or may not be raised. The symptoms and intensity of the rash differ from person to person. While some people have to suffer through extreme cases, with the rash affecting most of their bodies, others barely have a reaction.

Moreover, since an HIV rash appears to be so normal, people tend to brush it off as a minor allergic reaction or an eczema flare-up. This can be dangerous, which is why it is essential to get a skin rash or infection evaluated by a professional at all times, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Where Do HIV Rashes Appear?

HIV rashes can appear anywhere on your skin or on various parts of the body. But they usually manifest on your shoulders, upper back, chest, face, arms, and hands. You should also pay attention to the characteristics of the rash; for instance, are the bumps small or big? Are they raised or flat? Is it itchy or not?

Based on the different qualities, you can get an idea of what to expect from the rash. It can even help you understand if the rash is an early symptom of HIV infection. In either case, it is best to consult with a specialist so you can get an accurate diagnosis and treatment immediately.

Treatment Options

In most cases, HIV rashes go away on their own. However, you can apply over-the-counter ointments to alleviate the itchiness. Hydrocortisone creams and Benadryl are great for reducing the intense effects of an HIV rash. But if there is no difference despite the constant application of topical steroid creams, you might need a proper prescription to get other medications. Contact a skin specialist to get more insight into the rash and how you can get rid of it.

In A Nutshell

HIV rashes typically tend to appear on your chest, arms, upper back, face, and even hands. But in order to ensure the rash is HIV-related and not a mere allergic reaction, contact Sharaf Diwan, MD, at (832) 604-0005. You can also drop by our clinic at 18220 TX-249 #230, Houston, TX 77070, for a detailed evaluation and diagnosis.