Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are known to be excruciating and utterly uncomfortable. At times, the pain can get so unbearable that it might feel like your symptoms are never-ending. Thankfully, though, that is not true. A UTI does not last for long. If anything, the bacteria infecting your urinary tract system only lasts for a week.
However, depending on the severity of one’s case, the recovery time may vary.
What Is A Urinary Tract Infection?
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a serious infection that occurs in a part of your urinary system. This includes your kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. UTIs typically result from bacteria finding their way inside your urinary tract through the urethra. Once inside, the bacteria can negatively impact your health and lead to intense pain while urinating. It can also cause frequent trips to the bathroom and immense stomach pain.
Not to mention, UTIs commonly affect women more than men. This is because women have shorter urethra in comparison to men. However, you can easily get rid of a UTI through antibiotics and proper care.
Symptoms Of UTI
Most UTI symptoms vary depending on the severity and location of the infection. Some of which include:
- Unmanageable pain
- Burning sensation
- Constantly feeling the urge to urinate
- Lack of bladder control
- Cloudy urine
- Stomach or back pain
- Foul-smelling urine
- Feeling fatigued or weak
- Fever or body chills (in severe cases)
No matter the case, if you suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek immediate medical attention. A UTI should never be left untreated, as that could potentially lead to more serious health concerns.
How Long Does A UTI Last?
In order to figure out how long a UTI lasts, it is essential first to know the severity of the condition. For instance, acute UTIs appear out of the blue and only last for a few days. Although, they can be treated through antibiotics and proper care.
On the other hand, chronic UTIs repeatedly occur over a long period of time and tend to last several weeks, if not months. You may require a long-term medication plan to treat a chronic UTI based on your doctor’s instructions.
Additionally, your overall health can also make a difference in the duration of a UTI. Thus, if you feel the slightest change in your bladder, visit a medical health professional immediately.
Can A UTI Go Away On Its Own?
Yes and no. Only in mild cases can a UTI go away without proper treatment. However, it is not suitable to leave a UTI untreated. Seeking proper care and medication is essential to eliminate bacterial infections. Otherwise, it may reach other areas of your body, such as your kidney, and cause severe health complications.
Moreover, if a UTI is caused by a specific type of bacteria, it might not go away on its own. A professional diagnosis is necessary to eliminate all underlying symptoms of a UTI so you don’t get infected again.
Long Story Short
If your question was, “how long does a UTI last?” hopefully, you have an idea of what to expect by now. An acute UTI lasts a week, whereas a chronic UTI can extend for months on end.
Nevertheless, if you think you might have a UTI, do not wait. Visit a healthcare center and get tested as soon as possible. Contact Sharaf Diwan, MD, for more information at (832) 604-0005. You can also drop by our clinic at 18220 TX-249 #230, Houston, TX 77070. We’re located at the Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital.
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