Did you know that when you sustain an injury, your body begins healing almost immediately? Sure, we may not heal as fast as vampires or other supernatural creatures, but our bodies are strong enough to fight away bacterial invasions and repair broken bones.
However, there are times when your injury can get worse rather than healing and improving. That is why being able to spot signs of wound infection is so important. You will find all the different stages and symptoms of a wound infection mentioned right here in this blog.
Signs of Wound Infection
An infected wound can sometimes be quite tricky to detect, especially during the initial stages. There may not be anything that stands out, but treating it could become much easier if you know what to look for. Mentioned below are some of the most visible signs that indicate a cut is infected:
Increased Pain
When you get injured, you feel pain at the maximum level. But over time, the pain tends to vanish. If your injury seems to worsen, with the pain increasing, it could be a sign it is infected.
Swelling That Refuses To Go Away
No matter how bad your wound is, it should not swell. A swollen wound signifies that the bacteria have breached the skin and are starting to take root.
Red & Angry-Looking Wound
If you scrape your knee or accidentally cut yourself, you will notice the skin start to scab over it, protecting the inside from germs. However, if there is no scabbing or the wound has a large ring of redness around it, an infection might start to develop.
Sudden Fever
This is more of an extreme reaction, but the bacteria could enter your bloodstream if you neglect the injury site for a long time. Without any precautions, it could give way to fever and other health concerns.
The Area Feels Warm & Tender
Your wound should be at a normal temperature, much like the rest of your body. If it starts to get warm and tender, rush to the nearest wound care center.
Pus Discharge
The biggest, boldest sign of wound infection is the pus or discharge that seeps from the injury site. You may feel tempted to squeeze out the pus like a pimple, but that would only make things worse. Avoid touching the wound at all costs.
Wound Infection Treatment
Once you finally catch the signs of an infected wound, do not brush it away. Letting an infection fester only makes things worse. At times, the bacteria may even spread to other parts of your body, leading to severe health concerns.
To prevent the hazardous results of an infected wound, take over-the-counter medications to soothe the discomfort. But if that doesn’t work, head over to a wound care specialist immediately. Based on the stage of your infection, the doctor may need to apply compression therapy or other forms of treatment to ensure the bacteria is completely extracted.
Long Story Short
Identifying the signs of a wound infection early on can help avoid dangerous situations. Rather than risking your health, keep an eye out for the smallest change in your injury. For instance, if the skin isn’t healing in time or you’re experiencing more pain than usual, do not wait. Contact Sharaf Diwan, MD, at your earliest. All you have to do is dial (832) 604-0005 or drop by our clinic inside the Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital at 18220 TX-249 #230, Houston, TX 77070.
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